Employment Services
Helping individuals find and keep a meaningful job.
At Breakthrough, we know that finding and keeping a job is key to helping individuals gain confidence and break the cycle of poverty in their lives. We work with each individual to assess job readiness, find the proper fit for their skills and interests, resume and interview assistance, and continued support after employment is obtained. Breakthrough’s Employment program is separate from the Employment Unit in Breakthrough Clubhouse.
Our multifaceted approach includes:
Job Readiness and Job Training
Breakthrough provides individuals with the tools they need to gain and keep meaningful employment. Our job training program includes office and maintenance volunteer opportunities, food service training, and the development of customer service skills. Our training focuses on job readiness and self-awareness.
Breakthrough also works with area employers in conducting job assessments for clients who want to identify strengths for job placements.
Breakthrough utilizes various models to assist individuals in finding and maintaining long-term employment befitting their skill sets and interests. Our trained staff address individual concerns about returning to work, teach job search tools, assist clients in developing relationships with employers, teach problem-solving skills, and provide job coaching support.
If you or someone you love could benefit from our services, call or stop by our offices at 1010 N Main, Wichita, KS. Email our Employment Team or Breakthrough for more information.
Let us help you break through the cycle of unemployment and achieve a fuller, healthier tomorrow.